Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Monday 6pm

So last lesson we went over some more groove ideas using hi-hat bass drum snare drum building 2 bar grooves and had a look at a couple of 6/8 rock grooves as well. You guys are really comming on well.
Below is the groove we looked at and played to "we are the champions" and a link to the track on you tube and also a sticking ex's to have a look at for next week

Monday 5pm

Hey guys another wicked lesson yesterday! Great work, we looked at the first page of Hazi Taxi. Take care with the fills at the beginning of the first four lines the piece. I have charted out the fills i taught you guys but if you can come up with better then feel free!!!

We also looked at tranch town which you all have nailed. Just make sure you know how the coda works and count your bars so you dont get lost. 
Keep it up!!


Monday 4pm

So Guys this week we built on the 1/4 note groove variations we looked at last week to start crescent city voodoo. Remember to take care with your reading and counting especially from line 4 where we move to the open hi-hat. Also check the counting for the ending in the last two bars ensuring your bass drum pattern is correct. Don't forget to keep practicing Justin time and Skysurfer as you will need to know all the pieces for your exam!! Good work guys keep it up :)