Friday 14 October 2011

Highway to Hell-Chorus

Hey guys here's the chorus section to highway to hell. We started looking at the top two bars last lesson so have a look through it again before next lesson. Take your time with it making sure you count!! We will be looking at the last two bars next lesson so by all means have a go at working them out before then but if you can't manage it no worries, we'll go through it together.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Smoke on the water intro

Here's the 16th note intro to somke on the water we had a look at this week. Read it care fully and take your time making sure your not rushing the hi-hat part when you add in the snare drum on beats 2 and 4

Saturday 8 October 2011

The Lazy Song-Full Groove

Ok so here's the full groove for the Lazy Song. Take the basic 8th note groove at the top then add in the 16th note snare syncopations on the 2 and 4. Take it slow and count making sure your hi-hat pattern doesn't change to fit the extra snare drums in. The third bar has the last change in it, adding another snare drum, in between the two bass drums on 3+. Again take your time. If your not sure it's right when you've finished it, play the basic 8th note groove again and check your right hand and foot pattern aren't changing when you add in those extra snares!!

"The Lazy Song"-Bruno Mars

The One Drop

Ok guys so last lesson we took the groove from the lazy song and moved thr bass drums to line up with the snare drums creating the "one drop" groove. This groove is almost exclusively associated with reggae music which is why we played it to bob marley's "Three Little Birds" although it will work well with other classic reggae tunes such as "Stir it up", "we're Jammin" and "no woman no cry"
Again i've written the groove in 1/4 notes at the top to help with the co-ordination and 8th notes underneath. This is a tricky one to start right so make sure you really count it hard!!

"The Lazy Song"- Bruno Mars

Ok guys here's the groove to the lazy song. Both bars are the same groove but the top one is written in quater notes so it's easier to count and play but they are both the same groove!!

The Lazy Song